Monday, June 13, 2011

Puppy Love by Donny Osmond (Spring 1972)

I was six years old with my first major crush - Donny Osmond.  I talked about him all the time, listened to his music and told everyone I knew that someday I was going to marry him.  I didn't see a problem with this; after all, nobody loved him like I did, right?  It was just a matter of meeting him at the right time, we'd fall in love and then get married.  I mean, he was singing "Puppy Love" to me; I just knew it.

It didn't work out the way I had planned.

But my love for him didn't wane for a very long time; I was a devoted watcher of "The Donny and Marie Show," and never missed an episode.  My mom even took me to see Donny and Marie perform at Hershey Park!  So close but yet so far away.  Maybe if I had been able to catch his eye...

But I got my Donny fix every week when I watched their show, and life went on.  I remember watching this when it aired:

I got grief for my Donny love sometimes; in a time when America, Chicago, Neil Young, Three Dog Night and other rockers were climbing the charts, I picked the soft-rockin' nerdy Mormon. I may not love him now as much as I did back then, but there's still a soft spot in my heart for my first crush.

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